Sega G-80 Multigame, Version 1.0 Copyright © 1998, Clay Cowgill
Space Fury Space Fury, with no control changes. You can use this with a Space Fury control
panel to play Space Fury.
Self Test The self test runs much like a “standard” self test on the G-80. To skip tests, hold
down both Player 1 and Player 2 start buttons for several seconds and then release
them. ROM tests are not performed. Sound tests are limited to the Universal
Sound Board and Star Trek Speech board. When complete, the test will run Star
Adding a “menu” button:
If everything seems to be working at this point you can either close everything up and call it quits, or you
can power-down and remove the CPU card again. You may have noticed that there two areas labeled
“reset” and “menu” on the Daughtercard. By attaching a pair of small wires to the holes on either side of
the labels you can add a hard-reset button to the game and/or a “menu” button. Run the pair of wires out
of the card cage and attach them to a push-button normally-open momentary (PBNO momentary) switch.
(Radio Shack has many to choose from.)
Pressing the “menu” button has the same function as pressing the red “test’ button on the CPU card (it
calls the menu). Pressing “reset” is a hard-reset and is useful mostly when developing programs and you
need to “un-hang” the system. Don’t hold either button down too long—it’s possible to damage the
monitor by having it on but not displaying anything on the screen.
Mount your “menu” and/or “reset” buttons where-ever you want.
A note about sound:
The multigame does not currently support sound-switching with anything included with this kit. That
means that whatever sound-card is in your machine will be what you get sounds for. There are basically
three kinds of sound cards:
Sound Card Type Games that use it
Universal Sound Board Tac/Scan, Star Trek
Eliminator Eliminator, Zektor
Space Fury Space Fury
Sometime in the future we’ll try to come up with an “all-in-one” soundcard, but for now you’re stuck
with either living with one sound card or making your own switching-system.
Speech boards are compatible between Zektor, Star Trek, and Space Fury. Once again, there’s no “built
in” support for switching speech, but there’s nothing stopping you from doing it yourself if you have the
technical know-how.