Let's Go Camping Checklist
Thank you for buying a Hitlary tent only available at Sears. To show our apprecia-
tion for your purchase, we're including this camping trip checklist. This is a great
start to your own personal listing. We hope you enjoy your camping experience[
[] Tent
[] Spare tent stakes
[] Sleeping bags
[] Sleeping mats, self inflating or air
mattress with air pump
[] Camp chair
[] Lounge chair
[] Folding table
[] Fire extinguisher
[] Propane, fluorescent, kerosene or
battery powered lantern
[] Tarp
[] Day pack
[] Axe
[] Camp saw
[] Pocket knife
[] Hammer or mallet
[] Whisk broom
[] Flashlight, spare batteries and bulb
[] Rope and clothespins
[] Fishing rod and tackle
[] Other sporting gear
[] Camera and film with spare batteries
[] Butane gas lighter
[] Shovel
[] Propane stove
[] Propane fuel
[] Matches in waterproof match safe
[] Dish pan
[] Detergent - biodegradable
[] Coffee pot
[] Mess kits
[] Pot scrubbers
[] Cook kit
[] Cooking fork, tongs, spatula
[] Salt and pepper shakers
[] Camp grill top
[] Charcoal
[] Fire starter
[] Paper towels
[] Napkins
[] Water container
[] Cooler
[] Insulated jug
[] Can opener / Bottle opener
[] Aluminum foil
[] Pot holders
[] Knives, forks & spoons
[] Serving spoons
[] Measuring cups
[] Storage containers
[] Plastic mugs
[] Garbage bags