Rio Grande Games 80 Board Games User Manual

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After the selection of the players’ and the King’s starting regions is complete, using
the rules from the basic game, each player uses their secret disk to choose a region.
These are revealed simultaneously and each player places one of his Caballeros in the
region he specified. If the King’s region is specified, the Caballero remains in the
player’s court.
The King’s card and the intrigue card are placed next to the board. Use the Caballero
summary card to determine which of the five Caballero cards will be used. This is
determined by the number of players. Place the indicated Caballero cards next to the
Next each player chooses 13 action cards from his 31 to be used in the game. After
making their selections, the players put their unused cards face down in the box. They
will not be used in this game. You may want to limit the possible cards to just the 18
that are evenly divisible by 10 for the first few games.
The action cards:
The value determines player turn order.
The maximum number of Caballeros the
player may move from the provinces to
his court.
The card’s special action.
The Caballero card:
The maximum number of Caballeros the
player may move from his court to the board.
Playing the game:
As in the original game, Intrigue & the King is played over nine rounds with general
scoring after the 3rd, 6th, and 9th rounds. Each round consists of the following:
• Move the round marker forward on the round track.
• Players play action cards. In the first round, the players choose a starting player. In
subsequent rounds, the starting player is the player who played the lowest valued
card in the previous round. Cards are played face-up in clockwise order and no player
may play a card that duplicates a card played this round.
Move 1 Caballero
from your court to
a region adjacent
to the King or into
the Castillo.
Execute the intrigue
Setup El Grande as described in the rules for El Grande, making the following
• Grandissimo adds two stacks of action cards to the basic game. The 7th stack is
much like the 5th stack in that it contains just one card that is reused each round. The
6th stack may contain as many as 19 cards or as few as 11. Play with those you
prefer or vary the mix to add more spice to the game.
• Remove the card for the 7th stack (the Queen and court jester card) from the cards
provided with this expansion. Shuffle the remaining cards and place them next to the
King's card; these are the 6th stack of action cards. Place the card for the 7th stack
(the queen and court jester card) face-up next to the 6th stack.
• Place the Portugal scoreboard on the game board in the place
provided in Portugal on the map.
• Place the prison, Queen, court jester, Grand Inquisitor, and 2 ship tokens next to the
board. Place the ship in any empty ocean area on the board.
• Draw a region card and place the two black Caballeros in the region indicated.
Playing the game
The game sequence in Grandissimo is the same as in the base game, except that there
are two extra action stacks for players to choose from. As in the basic game, at the
end of each round the unused action cards are discarded and new ones are drawn
from each stack. The King and the Queen/jester cards return each round.
The ship and jail symbols
Ship and jail symbols are printed on some cards in the 6th stack. When a player
selects such a card, he may execute the action described for that symbol in addition to
the other two actions allowed for the card.
Ship: When a player selects a card with the ship symbol, he may take one of the ship
tokens and place it in his court. He may not take a second if he already has one. If
both ship tokens are in other players' courts, the player decides which one to take.
When a player has a ship token in his court on his turn, he may place Caballeros on
the ship on the board instead of the normal regions they would be placed in. The
position of the King is not relevant to the placing of Caballeros on the ship. When a
player has Caballeros on the ship at the beginning of his turn, he may move them to
any coastal region, including Portugal, as long is the King is not in that region.
Players do not score for Caballeros on the ship.