Precor C966 Treadmill User Manual

page 42
The treadmill provides a 3-minute warm-up period before entering the Fitness Test.
After the warm-up period, the treadmill automatically adjusts the running belt
and treadmill incline according to the Gerkin protocol for this Fitness Test.
The Fitness Test ends if any one of the following occurs:
you press the STOP key.
your heart rate rises above the maximum allowable heart rate (220 minus
your age) and remains there for more than 15 seconds. Refer to Diagram 23.
your heart rate cannot be detected or is no longer being transmitted.
you complete the test.
The C966 Random course is similar to the preprogrammed courses in that it’s
incline is preset. However, the differences include, a “0%” incline for the first
segment (column) and a maximum course incline of 6%. The maximum range
that the incline can be changed from one segment to the next is fixed at plus or
minus 3%. Every time a user chooses this course, the course profile changes.
Once you set your target heart rate and the running belt’s speed, the Heart Rate
Course monitors your heart rate and automatically maintains it within a few beats
per minute (bpm) of the selected target. Blinking lights on the SmartRate
graph appear to show the “zone” that you are in.
Note: For the C966 to detect a heart rate, the user must wear the POLAR
strap or hold onto the touch-sensitive grips on the handrail. The POLAR
strap is optional equipment that can be purchased from your dealer.
To use the Heart Rate Course follow the steps found in
Quick Steps to Working Out
(page 35) and choose the appropriate program number at the Course prompt. (Age
be entered during the Setup prompts.) Once you have finished answering the
remaining Setup prompts, the following occurs:
The software verifies that it detects a heart rate signal. You need to press the
Speed key to begin your workout.
Note: If your heart rate cannot be detected (or transmitted through the
chest strap or touch-sensitive grips), the letters “HR” blink in the
heart rate display. Once a heart rate is detected the number that corresponds
to your heart rate appears.