Precor C966 Treadmill User Manual

page 37
The C966 lets you choose between 21 variable courses. This section provides
information about the special features and functions of the treadmill’s courses and
how to best utilize the:
feature Manual course
Track course Cross Country courses
5K Course Aerobic courses
Gluteal courses Interval courses
Custom courses Fitness Test
Random course Heart Rate course
Weight Loss course Goal-based courses
Note: To choose a course, begin at the Precor banner and press Enter. User-
friendly prompts guide you through the course selections. Refer to
Quick Steps to
Working Out
on page 35.
To use the heart rate features you must wear the POLAR
chest strap while work-
ing out unless you plan to grasp the touch-sensitive handrail grips. Your heart rate
signal is transmitted to the receiver installed in the display console. The signal
appears as a number in the heart rate display. This lets you monitor your heart rate
even when the display is presenting other workout statistics.
Add the benefit of SmartRate
to every course on the treadmill. Using SmartRate
as a visual cue helps you adjust your exercise routine to suit specific needs.
simplifies the correlation between heart rate and exercise. You don’t
have to stop concentrating on your workout to find your pulse. It is displayed right in
front of you along with the SmartRate
zone. Once you begin a workout, a blinking
segment in the bar graph appears on the left of the display, if you entered your age
during the Setup prompts. The segment blinks in time with your pulse and high-
lights the zone that your heart rate is in: Weight Loss or Cardiovascular.
Important: Access to SmartRate
is only available when the person exercising
wears a POLAR
chest strap or uses the touch-sensitive grips on the handrail.
chest strap is a separate purchase option.) The SmartRate
cators do not blink or flash when QuickStart is used to select a course. The
indicators light up, but do not provide any information about the heart
rate target zone.