Q: I copied a save across and it appeared as "\" instead of the game name.
A: Delete the problem game save from the GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card and copy
it over again.
If this fails, copy over 10 saves that don't exist on the GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card.
Now copy the save you wish to use.
If the problem persists, delete the problem save and back up or copy any other game
saves on the GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card to the PC Panel. Now erase the
USB Memory Card. Copy the save you wish to use by itself to the
USB Memory Card and this should solve the issue.
Q: My game refuses to load a game save saying it is "corrupt".
A: Delete the problem game save from the GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card and copy
it over again.
If this fails, copy over 10 saves that don't exist on the GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card.
Now copy the save you wish to use.
If the problem persists, delete the problem save and back up or copy any other game
saves on the GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card to the PC Panel. Now erase the
USB Memory Card. Copy the save you wish to use by itself to the
USB Memory Card and this should solve the issue
Q: My game refuses to recognize the GAMECUBE™ Memory Card.
A: Copy the save over to a normal GAMECUBE
Memory Card and this should solve
the problem.
Q: I've copied saves over from my Memory Card to the GAMECUBE™ USB
Memory Card using the GAMECUBE™. When I load the save directly from the
GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card it says it's corrupted but its okay on my original
Memory Card. Why?
A: This could be due to a variety of reasons. Delete the save and copy it across again. If
this still fails to work, back up some of your saves from the GAMECUBE
USB Memory
Card onto your PC and delete them. Now copy your save from your Memory Card to the
USB Memory Card and this should solve the problem.
won’t allow me to copy my game save from my normal
Memory Card to the supplied GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card, why
is this?
A: Unfortunately this is due to the game itself. Some games have protected game saves
that cannot be copied from one memory card to another. However, if you save the game
save directly onto the supplied GAMECUBE
USB Memory Card from the game,
GAMESAVES For GAMECUBE will allow you to copy the game save to and from your PC.
Q: I have a suggestion that I think might be useful in this product.
A: Feel free to write or e-mail us, letting us know what you think about our product.