Life Fitness X9 Elliptical Trainer User Manual

G COOL DOWN: workouts end automatically in a Cool Down mode, which lowers the intensity level. Press the COOL
DOWN key at any desired point during a workout to go immediately into Cool Down mode. In this phase of a workout
the body begins to remove lactic acid and other accumulated by-products of exercise, which build up in muscles during
a workout and contribute to muscle soreness. The console automatically adjusts each workout’s Cool Down level
according to the individual user’s performance. Each time the user presses the COOL DOWN key, the Cool Down
duration shortens by one minute.
H WORKOUT PROFILE WINDOW: This window displays shapes, made of columns of lights, that represent the levels
of intensity in a workout-in-progress. The height of the column is proportional to the level of the intensity.
workout, which requires the use of the Lifepulse system sensors or a Polar heart rate chest strap, the WORKOUT
PROFILE window displays a heart shape to request the user’s heart rate signal. If the console does not detect a signal,
the MESSAGE CENTER displays the prompt, “NEED HEART RATE - USE TELEMETRY STRAP". If the console does
not receive the signal within three minutes, the workout automatically is converted to a MANUAL workout.
I MESSAGE CENTER: This window displays step-by-step instructions for setting up a workout. During a workout,
it displays statistics about the progress of the workout:
Level: programmed intensity level. Toggles with Heart Rate.
Heart Rate: the detected heart rate if the user is grasping Lifepulse system sensors or wearing the Polar
heart rate chest strap. Toggles with Level. If the on-board computer does not detect a heart rate, only Level
is displayed throughout the workout.
Distance: the total distance traveled in miles (or kilometers if enabled).
Speed: the pedaling speed in miles per hour.
Calories: the number of calories burned since beginning the workout. Toggles with Time.
Time: time elapsed since the start of the workout. Toggles with Calories.