Life Fitness R35 Exercise Bike User Manual

1 to 9 minutes: Because workouts with durations of less than 10 minutes are insufficient for the HILL workout to complete all
four phases adequately, the profile is condensed at various stages.
10 to 19 minutes: The interval durations are initially set at 30 seconds for a 10-minute workout. For every additional minute of
workout duration intervals lengthen by three seconds. Thus, a 15-minute HILL workout features 20 intervals of 45 seconds
20 to 99 minutes: All intervals last 60 seconds. As minutes are added, additional hills and valleys are presented beyond the
initial four of the interval training phase. The additional hills and valleys will follow the form of the first four, dropping back down
to the level of the very first hill encountered and progressing in height every two minutes until the highest hill is reached again.
This process repeats until the end of the duration.
The RANDOM workout creates a terrain of hills and valleys that varies with each workout. More than one million different pat-
terns are possible.
SPEED TRAINER displays text messages in the message center instructing the user to pedal at different speeds for different
periods of time. The user has the ability to change the resistance level at any time during the workout.
In this workout, the changes in resistance are extremely subtle, lowering perceived exertion. The changes in resistance also
are independent of the user’s pedaling speed. The cardiovascular workout is effective, efficient, and enjoyable at the same
EZ RESISTANCE Workout Profile
0% Time 100% Time75% Time
EZ Resistance Workout Profile
(Entry point) (Peak) (End point)