To stop your training:
Training with PRESET function datas:
As soon as the preset function data counts down to
zero,(pulse figures excluded) the computer has 8
beep sounds to alert you. At this moment, the
computer will stop working. You may press
START/STOP button to start the computer working
and counting up from the previous data.
Interupt training:
You may press START/STOP button to stop the
computer during training at any time.
To reset program:
You may press RESET button to reset the
PROGRAM and select the training mode and
tension load or difficulties under STOP mode. If you
hold on pressing the RESET button for 2 seconds, all
data (including personal data) will be reset.
START/STOP To start or stop training.
MODE To select each function of Time,
Distance and Pulse.
UP To increase data or tension.
DOWN To decrease data or tension.
RESET 1. To reset each function of Time,
Distance and Pulse figures.
2. To reset program setting and back to
initial selection mode with Manual,
Program, User or Target Heart Rate
(all blinking display).
Press the button to activate heart rate
recovery function.