Each game has six (6) regular rounds, one (1) Double Money round and one (1)
Head-to-Head round.
The regular rounds are fast paced question and answer rounds. The goal of each
round is to reach the $125,000 target before the timer runs out. At the end of each
regular round, one player is voted off and 10 seconds are subtracted from the clock.
Round 1 2 minutes 30 seconds 8 players
Round 2 2 minutes 20 seconds 7 players
Round 3 2 minutes 10 seconds 6 players
Round 4 2 minutes 5 players
Round 5 1 minute 50 seconds 4 players
Round 6 1 minute 40 seconds 3 players
The last two players play the Double Money Round. This is also a fast paced question
and answer round. At the end of this round, all money banked in the round is
DOUBLED before it is added to the prize total, no one is voted off and no time is
subtracted from the timer.
Double Money Round 1 minute 30 seconds 2 players
The last two players also play the Head-to-Head round. Players take turns answering
five questions each. There is no timer. The player who answers the most questions
correctly is the winner.
Turn on the game by pressing ON/OFF.
You can adjust the volume control by pressing the SOUND button. There are three
volume levels. They are indicated on the LCD by the speaker icon.
One line represents the lowest volume; three lines represent the
highest. Each time you press the SOUND button, the unit will scroll
to the next level.
After welcoming you to the game, Anne will ask the players to press a number button.
Players can choose any number; they do not have to be consecutive. However, there
can be only one player per player number. Virtual players will assume the positions
that are not chosen. Once all players have chosen a player number, press START.