Hasbro 80749 Games User Manual

Finally, the two players must face off in the Head-to-Head round. Alternately, each
player is asked five (5) special head-to-head questions. The player with the most
correct answers is the winner. If there is a tie, the game goes into Sudden Death.
In the Sudden Death round, each player is asked one question. As long as both
players answer correctly, or incorrectly, the game continues. As soon as one player
answers correctly and one answers incorrectly, the game is over.
Only money that is “banked” is added to the cumulative total. How and when a player
can bank will be explained later.
The game unit always follows the eight-player format of the television show. Often,
there will not be eight human players available, so the remaining player positions will
be filled with virtual players. The VPs will answer questions, bank and vote just like
the human players. A VP's knowledge and characteristics will be decided randomly
at the beginning of the game.
Virtual player knowledge
VPs will have varying levels of intelligence:
High knowledge level
Average knowledge level
Low knowledge level
The VPs will maintain their set levels of knowledge during a game. This will allow
human players to identify the VPs not worth keeping. Those that are useless should
be voted out.
Virtual player characteristics
A player’s character is an important factor in the Weakest Link. Voting decisions are
not based solely on the performance of the other players, but involve personal
motivation – Is a player “ruthless”? Does he carry a grudge against another player
from round to round? Therefore, characteristics have been created for the VPs.
Ruthless – Tends to vote out the strongest link, sees this person as a personal threat
Logical – Tends to vote out the weakest link based on statistical data
Indecisive – Will randomly select a player regardless of current or previous performance
During the game, the actions of the VPs are automatic. They will have a voice; you
will hear them answering questions, banking and giving reasons why they voted for
other players. Remember, they may be only virtual players, but they CAN vote for
YOU as the weakest link!