Franklin XST-2051 Games User Manual

Number keys 2
Other keys 2
Play Game Number screen 8
Challenge Round categories 10
Championship Round categories
Prizes, winning 14
Reading prizes 14
Resuming where you left off 5
Save your best for last 9
Scanning Clues 11
in the Challenge Round 11
in the Championship Round 13
Screen illustrations 4
category 9
game 8
level of difficulty 8
Set Contrast 6
Set Shutoff 6
Settings, Changing 6
Shared clues 11
Shutoff time, setting 6
Sports Trivia tips
look before you leap 11
save your best for last 9
scan clues then match 11
watching your score 11
Super Prizes 14
Tutorial 5
Understanding the color keys 2
View Demo 5
answers 12
clues 10, 13
Fun Facts 12
prizes 14
score 12
tutorial 5
Watching your score 11