Famous Trails -Ft 380 Binoculars User Manual

response, optical speed, gain and more. It is also important to
note that each product was tested with consistent reliable methods
to insure the valid comparison of specifications. This is an area
where comparison becomes especially difficult, as there are a
great number of equipment manufacturers but little published
specs comparing products from various companies. The bottom
line is that even with technical specs it is hard to tell if the item
will perform the way you need it to.
The best way to measure the performance of a
Famous Trails
product is to try it out at home. Most dealers will allow you to
return or exchange a product if you find it isn’t a perfect match
for your needs. Usually areas surrounding a city or housing
development are well lit, so you probably won’t need a higher-
end piece of equipment. If you are using a device in a poorly lit
area such as the woods or desert, you may need a device with
higher power especially if you need greater range with little or no
moonlight. You won’t need to worry about range if the product is
used in total darkness, but you will need an infrared illuminator.
We previously explained that the quality of the image, the
range of the product, and the gain are all key in measuring how
Famous Trails
product performs. Here is a breakdown of
how each area ties in with the operation of a product.
GAIN—As conditions get darker, it becomes more difficult for
the Famous Trails system to create a clear, well-defined image.
As the light decreases or if there is a longer range, it becomes
necessary to increase the gain. Additionally if you are using a
longer lens for distance viewing you’ll need higher gain, as
longer lenses do not transfer light as well as the shorter lenses.
Be aware that increasing the gain will not always increase the
clarity or range of your view. In areas such as housing complexes,
street or house lights will overload the system and actually
decrease your viewing abilities. For less populated areas with little
light, a Famous Trails scope will allow you a substantial and clear
view for a very reasonable sum.
o be able to view an object from a certain distance
involves the system’s ability to magnify an image, its resolution,