Excalibur electronic FX200 Games User Manual

look at each of the categories on
the main (or home) menu.
BIOS are a source of brief biog-
raphical sketches on famous
sports personalities. All of the
best and brightest from the wide
world of sports are brought
together here, in one easy-to-use
index, organized alphabetically.
From the Main Menu, select
BIOS by pressing ON/ENTER. The
files will be arranged by first let-
ter of the athlete’s last name.
Scroll down through the list until
you find the letter for the athlete
that interests you. Press
ON/ENTER, and the greatest sports
figures of all time will be at your
fingertips. To find your athlete,
press DOWN to scroll through the
alphabetical listing of athletes.
Pressing the ABC key will
allow you to scroll up through the
last letters of the alphabet. For
example, if you’re looking for
information on Honus Wagner,
just press the ABC key to enable
the ABC function, then just press
UP two times to access the ‘
file. Press the ABC key a second
time to turn this function off.
To return to the alphabetical
index, simply press the BACK but-
ton. If you want to return to the
main menu, press the BACK but-
ton a second time, or just press
and hold
BACK for two seconds.
Facts and Stats
This category on the main or
home menu will resolve many a
sports debate!
Selecting “
” gives you the following
sports categories. (You can see
four on the screen at any one time,
Quick Tip:
Pressing the BACK button at any time takes you to
the former level. Holding down the
BACK button will
take you back to the main menu.