6. Scan and save channels.
Select CATV or AIR. Select CATV to receive cable
hannels through the 75 ohm terminal on the
treadmill. Select AIR to receive channels through
n antenna.
To scan for available channels, highlight AUTO
SCAN or AUTO SCAN ADD CH. To scan all chan-
nels, select the Auto scan option. To scan all chan-
nels and add an extra channel, select the Auto
Scan Add Ch option. The scan channel submenu
will appear.
If you are receiving
channels through a
CATV cable, high-
light CABLE SYS-
TEM and select the
auto, STD, IRC, or
HRC setting. Try all
four cable settings, if
necessary, to find
the optimal setting.
Highlight START TO SCAN and press the Volume
increase button to start the auto scan. The televi-
sion will begin scanning all of the channels avail-
able in your area. When no signal is detected on a
channel, the channel will be skipped. When a sig-
nal is detected, the channel will be saved into
memory and the next channel will be selected. This
process will continue until the highest channel is
reached. The television will renumber the channels
in the order in which it locates them. Do not re-
move the key while the television is scanning
channels. Note: If a television channel disappears,
scan for channels again.
After all valid chan-
nels available in your
area have been
aved into the televi-
sionʼs memory, you
an manually skip
unwanted channels.
To skip a channel,
highlight CHANNEL SKIP and press the Volume
increase button on your remote control. In the
channel skip submenu, press the Channel increase
and decrease buttons to highlight the desired
channel and the Volume increase and decrease
buttons to turn on or turn off the skip option.
Continue this process until you have skipped all
unwanted channels.
To change the dis-
play name of a chan-
nel, highlight CHAN-
NEL NO. and select
a channel. Then,
highlight CHANNEL
LABEL and press the
Volume increase but-
ton to enter the channel label submenu. Press the
Volume increase and decrease buttons to select a
number or letter box. Then press the Channel in-
crease and decrease buttons to select the desired
number or letter.
7. Exit the Menu.
When you have finished adjusting the settings,
press the Exit button.
Program Name Skip
4-1 FD 3803 Off
FD 38 30
Cable System
Start to Scan