About This Manual
• The display of this watch uses two LCD panels that
make it possible to display mode icons, numbers formed
with segments, dot matrix characters, etc.
• Button operations are indicated using the letters shown
in the illustration. Keypad keys are indicated by their
main keycap markings within square brackets in bold,
such as [2].
• Each section of this manual provides you with the
information you need to perform operations in each
mode. Further details and technical information can be
found in the “Reference” section.
General Guide
The first thing you need to do when using this watch is to
enter the proper mode. To select a mode, first display the
Mode Menu screen (by pressing C), and then press the
keypad key that corresponds to the mode you want.
• Each mode is identified by a mode icon on the Mode
Menu. For easy understanding, mode icons are
arranged on the Mode Menu in the same relative
positions as the keypad keys you need to press to enter
the modes.
• When you enter a mode, the corresponding mode icon
flashes on the display for about two seconds. After that,
the mode screen appears on the display.
Pressing C while the Mode Menu is on the display toggles the key input tone
on and off.
Mode icons
• To exit any mode and return to the Mode Menu, press C.
• In any mode, press B to illuminate the display.
Mode Menu
The Mode Menu is a screen that gives you access to the watch’s different modes. The
Mode Menu also displays the current time in your Home City, or in another zone that
you select, and you can use it to turn the input tone on and off.
While the Mode Menu is on the display, press D to toggle between the current time
screen (hour, minutes, seconds) and the day/time screen (day of the week, hour, minutes).
Current time
(Hour : Minutes Seconds) Day of week Hour : Minute
Press .
The current time that appears on the Mode Menu screen is based on the Home City
you select in the Timekeeping Mode. If the current time is not correct, enter the
Timekeeping Mode and set the correct time for your Home City.
Displaying the Current Time
Normally, the current time in your Home City is shown at
the top of the Mode Menu. A simple operation lets you
display the current time in another continental U.S. time
zone or another city, or Greenwich Mean Time.
Time Zone Indicators
Indicators along the bottom of the Mode Menu show the
various types of time zones you can select. There are
actually eight different time zone indicators, two groups of
four each: HOME GMT CITY1 CITY 2 (HOME Group) and
• Press A while the Mode Menu is on the display to
toggle between the two time zone groups.
• The currently selected zone is underlined on the display
by “
Timekeeping Mode
Telememo Mode
Calculator Mode
Mode Icon
World Time Mode
Alarm Mode
Countdown Timer
Stopwatch Mode
Mode Icon
Time zone indicators
Press .
• You can select cities for CITY1 and CITY2 in the Timekeeping Mode.
• If the city you have selected for HOME is also included in a continental U.S. time
zone, the name of that time zone is underlined by “
” when the U.S. Group
Indicators are displayed.
HOME Group U.S. Group
Indicator Meaning Indicator Meaning
HOME Home City PST Pacific Time
GMT Greenwich Mean Time MST Mountain Time
CITY1 City selected by you CST Central Time
CITY2 City selected by you EST Eastern Time
Indicator Key Indicator Key
HOME [7] PST [7]
GMT [8] MST [8]
CITY1 [9] CST [9]
CITY2 [0] EST [0]
Day of week
Month – Day
PM indicator
Hour : Minutes
Read This Before You Set the Time and Date!
The times displayed in the Timekeeping Mode and World Time Mode, and on the
Mode Menu are linked. Because of this, make sure you select a city name for your
Home City (the city where you normally use the watch) before you set the time and
To set the time and date
1.In the Timekeeping Mode, use A to display the HOME
group along the bottom of the screen, and then make
sure that “
” is located under HOME.
• If it isn’t, hold down [7] for about one second until
” appears under HOME.
2.Hold down A until the seconds start to flash, which
indicates the setting screen.
3. Press C or D to move the flashing in the sequence below to select other settings.
Press . Press .
City name
• The following shows the month names used by the watch.
Month 1 2 3456
Displayed name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Month 7 8 9 10 11 12
Displayed name Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
4. When the setting you want to change is flashing, use the keypad keys to change it
as described below.
• You must input separate values for each of the two digits of the hour, minutes, year,
month, and day settings. If you want to specify 3 o’clock, for example, input 03 for
the hour. With the year setting, you can input values for the two rightmost digits.
= GMT,
• For information on city names, see the “City Code Table”. City names displayed
by this watch are shortened to eight or fewer characters.
• While any selection is flashing, press B to toggle between 12-hour format
(A or P indicator appears) and 24-hour format (no indicator).
• While the hour, minutes, year, month, or day is flashing, press [pm] to toggle
between AM (A indicator appears) and PM (P indicator appears).
5. Press A to exit the setting screen.
• The 12-hour/24-hour timekeeping format you select in the Timekeeping Mode is
applied in all modes.
• The day of the week is automatically displayed in accordance with the date (year,
month, and day) settings.
Screen To do this:
Reset the seconds to
Toggle between Daylight Saving Time
) and Standard Time (
Change the city name
Change the hour or minutes
Change the year, month or day
Do this:
Press [0].
Press [1] or [=].
Use keypad keys [2] through [9]
• Use [=] (forward) and [1] (back)
to scroll through city names.
Input values on the keypad keys. The
flashing moves to the right each time
you input a value.
Mode icons
• The zone you select with the above operation remains selected on the Mode Menu
until you select another zone. Whenever you display the Mode Menu from another
mode, it displays the current time in your Home City zone.
• If you use the above procedure to select one of the continental U.S. time zones in
the U.S. Group while your current Home City is located outside of the continental
U.S., the HOME indicator is automatically underlined by “
” in the HOME Group,
and the U.S. time zone you select becomes your Home City. This makes it easy to
change your Home City setting to a city that is within the continental U.S.
To switch the input tone on and off
While the Mode Menu is on the display, press C to toggle the input tone on and off.
• The input tone on/off setting is applied to all modes, except the Stopwatch Mode.
You can use the Timekeeping Mode to configure time and
date settings, and to display the current time in another
time zone.
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the
Timekeeping Mode, which you enter by pressing [1]
while the Mode Menu is on the display.
To select the top line information
While in the Timekeeping Mode, press D to cycle
through the type of information you can display in the top
line, as shown below.
(Day of week,
Month, Day)
(Year, Month,
(Home City code)
(Month, Day)
(Day of week)
To select a time zone on the Mode Menu
1.While the Mode Menu is on the display, press A to
display the time zone indicator group that contains the
time zone you want to select.
2.Hold down the keypad key that corresponds to the time
zone you want to select until “
” appears under its
indicator. See the table below for information about
which key you should hold down.
• Note that the arrangement of the keys in the bottom
row of the keypad matches that of the indicators along
the bottom of the Mode Menu.