Many people mistakenly believe that uphill shots perform dierently from downhill shots because of gravity. However,
it is not due to gravity, but more of an aberration of the sighting system used on bows. e sighting pin on a bow
resides several inches above the mechanical axis of the arrow. For example, when one is aiming degrees up an
incline, the arrow is at a dierent angle.
Line of sight is yards, angle is - degrees, and the bullet-drop/holdover is inches. ARC™ not only takes into
account ballistic data based o your caliber and load from distances of
- yards, but also compensates for any
uphill and downhill angles which also aect bullet-drop.
If in RIFLE mode, the ballistic group will be displayed in the bullet drop numeric eld anytime that the primary
numeric display is showing dashes (i.e. no target acquired). When a target is acquired in RIFLE mode, the line of
sight distance will display in the primary numeric display. Either “IN,” “MOA,” “ML,” or “CM” will light next to the
bullet drop numeric display. If the bullet drop / hold over reads “ ,” this means the compensated distance is beyond
what can be displayed, and or beyond ballistic calculations and user will need to hold low.
Once the range is displayed, continue to hold the POWER button down for approximately seconds while holding
the aiming circle on the object and keeping the unit as steady as possible so as to allow the inclinometer enough time
to measure angle. en release the POWER button. Once you have released the power button, the line of sight will be
displayed along with unit of measure. Beneath the line of sight distance and unit of measure, the degree of angle will
be displayed for approximately
. seconds, and will then automatically switch to the compensated range. e line of
sight distance, unit of measure and automatic toggle from degree of angle to compensated distance will continue for
seconds at which time the display will automatically shut o.
Line of sight is yards, angle is - degrees, and the Angle Range Compensated distance is yards. Instead of
shooting as yards, shoot as yards. If you were to shoot as if yards, you would shoot over the top of the deer
because of the severe angle.
If in BOW mode, the line of sight distance will display in the primary numeric display and the inclination and horizontal distance
will display in the secondary numeric displays. Bushnell® determined through extensive testing and interviews with high-prole
bow hunting experts that multiple bow ballistic groups were not necessary. Bow-hunters want to know true horizontal distance
because that is how they practice shooting, and once they condently know that, they can make any necessary adjustments.
Giving the bow-hunter anything else other than horizontal distance creates additional confusion and uncertainty.
Line of Sight = 32Y
Compensated Distance = 23Y
Line of Sight = 32Y
Degree of Angle = -44°
Line of Sight = 376 Yards
Holdover/Bulletdrop = 28 Inches
Line of Sight = 376 Yards
Degree of Angle = -33°