Main Menu continued (Default Settings in Bold)
MENU Option Settings Description
White Bal(ance) Auto, Daylight, Cloudy,
Fluorescent, Tungsten
Sets the reference for neutral white, so that colors
are reproduced correctly. If “Auto” does not
provide good results, try the setting that matches
the light source.
Meter Multi, Spot, Center Sets what area of the framed subject is used
to determine exposure. “Multi” uses multiple
zones, “Spot” uses only the center area (good for
strong backlit situations), and “Center” bases the
exposure 60% on the center of the frame, 40% on
the rest of the frame.
Image Quality Standard, Better, Best Sets the amount of file compression, which affects
the quality of the photo and the size of the file
it creates. is can be used independently of
Image Size to help store more photos in exchange
for slightly reduced quality. “Best” produces the
highest quality, but also generates larger files
that fill available memory sooner (fewer photos