April 2006, ADIC 17
All 53141 n/a An error message may be
generated if you have a file system
configured with one or more LUNs
that are "short-labeled", that is,
LUNs that have a raw capacity
greater than 4294967295 sectors,
but have been labeled with a
reduced capacity of 4294967295
sectors (the maximum number of
sectors supported in a LUN by
StorNext 2.6) and one or more files
are trespassing on the restricted
area of the LUN.
1 On the metadata
controller node, run the
cvfsck -t <fsname>
command to list the
names of files or
directories allocated in
the restricted area
('trespassing' files).
2 On a client machine --
which should be same
type of system (same
OS) as the client
machine that created the
data originally -- move
each of the listed files to
non-restricted areas of
the file system:
• For each trespassing file,
use the snfsdefrag
command to create a
new copy of the file. For
example: for a file called /
xxx, type:
snfsdefrag -m 0 /
• If any trespassing
directories are listed,
please contact ADIC
technical support for
instructions to correct the
54392 497050 When a fullstop of the file system
services is initiated, the /etc/
init.d/cvfs fullstop script
executes a fuser -km $FSNAME,
that kills all processes with open
inodes in the file system.