
Chapter 12 Users
NSA320 User’s Guide
12.3.3 Usernames
Enter a username from one to 32 characters. The first character must be
alphabetical (case insensitive, [A-Z a-z]); numeric characters are not allowed as
the first character.
The username can only contain the following characters:
Alphanumeric A-z 0-9. Unicode usernames are supported with CIFS logins, but
not FTP or web configurator logins.
_ [underscores]
•. [periods]
•- [dashes]
Other limitations on usernames are:
All leading and trailing spaces are removed automatically.
Multiple spaces within names are converted to a single space.
Usernames are case insensitive. The username cannot be the same (no matter
the letter case) as an existing user. For example, if a user exists with the name
'BOB', you cannot create a user named 'bob'. If you enter a user 'bob' but use
'BOB' when connecting via CIFS or FTP, it will use the account settings used for
The username cannot be the same as a system username such as
ANONYMOUS-FTP nor be the same as an existing user. Other reserved
usernames that are not allowed are:
Available Group(s) This field lists the groups created on the NSA to which the
selected account does not belong.
Group Membership This field lists the groups that the selected account belongs to.
Add Selected
Select a group from the Available Groups list and click this to
add the account to that group.
Remove Selected
Select a group from the Group Membership list and click this
to remove the account from that group.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.
Table 90 Users > Add or Edit a User (continued)