
Chapter 19 System Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
sys socket Displays the system socket’s ID number, type, control block address
(PCB) (this is a memory address), IP address and port number of the
peer device connected to the socket (Remote Socket) and task
control block (Owner).
sys stdio [minute] Sets the management session inactivity timeout value.
sys tcconsole This function is disabled.
sys time hour [min[sec]] Sets or displays the current system time.
sys tos cache Displays TOS in the cache.
sys tos currentTOSNum Displays current TOS number.
sys tos display Shows all runtime TOS.
sys tos historicalCHigh Displays the historical concurrent high number.
sys tos historicalHigh Displays the historical high.
sys tos listPerHost Displays the session count for each host.
sys tos sessPerHost <session#> Sets the temporary open sessions per host limit.
sys tos tempTOSDisplay Displays the TOS records.
sys tos tempTOSTimeout [timeout] Sets or displays the timeout value in seconds.
timeout: 1-2147483647 seconds
sys tos timeout ah <timeout> Sets the AH-session idle-timeout value in seconds (used in IP Sec).
sys tos timeout display Displays all TOS timeout information.
sys tos timeout esp <timeout> Sets the ESP-session idle-timeout value in seconds (used in IP Sec).
sys tos timeout gre <timeout> Sets the GRE-session idle-timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout icmp <timeout> Sets the ICMP session idle timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout igmp <timeout> Sets the IGMP session idle timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout mail <timeout> Sets the e-mail session idle-timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout others <timeout> Sets the idle-timeout value for other sessions in seconds.
sys tos timeout tcp <timeout> Sets the TCP session idle timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout tcpfin <timeout> Sets the TCP FIN session idle timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout tcpsyn <timeout> Sets the SYN TCP session idle timeout value in seconds.
sys tos timeout udp <timeout> Sets the UDP-session idle-timeout value in seconds.
sys tripleplay igmpsnp disable Disables IGMP Snooping on tripleplay services.
sys tripleplay igmpsnp display Displays tripleplay’s IGMP Snooping settings, including status, group
count, maximum response time, query interval and robustness.
sys tripleplay igmpsnp enable Enables IGMP Snooping on tripleplay services. IGMP snooping limits
the forwarding of redundant packets to LAN ports in a multicast flood.
It only tries to deliver traffic to a specified LAN port in a multicast
Use this command to start or configure tripleplay IGMP Snooping, as
well as after making changes to max response time, query interval or
Table 44 sys Commands (continued)