Chapter 19 Port Security
MGS3700-12C User’s Guide
19.3 VLAN MAC Address Limit
Use this screen to set the MAC address learning limit on per-port and per-VLAN
basis. Click VLAN MAC Address Limit in the Advanced Application > Port
Security screen to display the screen as shown.
Figure 99 Advanced Application > Port Security > VLAN MAC Address Limit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 51 Advanced Application > Port Security > VLAN MAC Address Limit
Active Select this option to activate this rule.
Port Enter the number of the port to which this rule is applied.
VID Enter the VLAN identification number.
Limit Number Use this field to limit the number of (dynamic) MAC addresses that may
be learned on a port in a specified VLAN. For example, if you set this field
to "5" on port 2, then only the devices with these five learned MAC
addresses may access port 2 at any one time. A sixth device would have
to wait until one of the five learned MAC addresses aged out. MAC
address aging out time can be set in the Switch Setup screen. The valid
range is from “0” to “16384”. “0” means this feature is disabled.
Alarm threshold of learned MAC address by VLAN
Add Click Add to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The
Switch loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the
Save link on the top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-
volatile memory when you are done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to reset the fields to your previous configuration.
Clear Click Clear to clear the fields to the factory defaults.
Index This field displays the index number of the rule. Click an index number to
change the settings.