Chapter 23 Command Line Interface
MES-2110 User’s Guide
23.9 VLAN Mode
This is an ancillary mode of Configuration mode. You must be in Configuration
mode for these commands to work.
When in VLAN-Configuration mode, the command prompt is as follows:
The following is a list of available VLAN-Configuration mode commands:
Note: These commands only apply to the VLAN ID specified when you enter VLAN
Configuration mode.
Table 82 VLAN Mode Commands
vlan <1-4094> Enters VLAN Configuration mode for the
specified VLAN ID. If no VLAN IDs exist, then
this creates the specified ID.
manage Sets the current VLAN as a management VLAN.
member <port-list> Specifies the ports that are members of the
current VLAN group.
non-member <port-list> Specifies the ports that are excluded from the
current VLAN group.
tagging <port-list> Specifies the ports in the current VLAN group for
which you want outgoing frames tagged.
untagging <port-list> Specifies the ports in the current VLAN group for
which you do not want outgoing frames tagged.
use-vid-priority <yes|no> Select yes to enable VID priority for the current
VLAN group, or
no to disable it.
vid-priority <0~7> Sets the VID priority (0~7).