GS-3012/GS-3012F User’s Guide
login 49
password 54
login account
Administrator 242
non-administrator 243
login accounts 242
configuring via web configurator 242
multiple 242
number of 242
login password 243
loop guard 203
examples 204
port shut down 205
setup 205
vs STP 203
MAC (Media Access Control) 70
MAC address 70, 265
maximum number per port 138
MAC address learning 74, 91, 95, 138
specify limit 138
MAC authentication 131
aging time 135
example 132
setup 134
MAC filter
and ARP inspection 186
MAC table 263
how it works 263
viewing 264
configuration backup 230
firmware 229
restoring configuration 230
maintenance 227
current configuration 227
main screen 227
Management Information Base (MIB) 234
management port 45, 94
default IP address 45
managing the device
good habits 34
using FTP. See FTP. 34
using Telnet. See command interface. 34
using the command interface. See command
interface. 34
man-in-the-middle attacks 185
age 113
hops 113
MDIX (Media Dependent Interface Crossover) 43
MGMT port 45
and SNMP 234
supported MIBs 235
MIB (Management Information Base) 234
mirroring ports 121
model types 31
monitor port 121, 122
mounting brackets 38
status 110
MST ID 103
MST Instance, See MSTI 103
MST region 103
MSTI 103
MSTP 99, 102
bridge ID 115, 116
configuration 111
configuration digest 116
forwarding delay 113
Hello Time 115
hello time 113
Max Age 115
max age 113
max hops 113
path cost 114
port priority 114
revision level 113
status 114
MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) 73
multicast 155
802.1 priority 157
and IGMP 155
IP addresses 155
overview 155
setup 156, 157
multicast group 160
multicast VLAN 164
Multiple Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol 101
Multiple RSTP 101
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol, See MSTP 99, 102
Multiple STP 102
MVR 161
configuration 162
group configuration 164
network example 161
MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) 161
NAT 290
network applications 31