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Parental Control TV/Movie Rating Guidelines
TV Parental Guidelines Rating System
TV-G General Audience Considered suitable for all audiences; children may
watch unattended.
TV-PG Parental Guidance Unsuitable for younger children, may contain:
Suggested Suggestive Dialog, Foul Language, Sex and Violence
TV-14 Parents Strongly Unsuitable for children under 14, may contain:
Cautioned Strong Dialog, Foul Language, Sex and Violence
TV-MA Mature Audiences Adults only, may contain:
Only Strong Dialog, Foul Language, Sex and Violence Scenes
TV-Y Children Considered suitable for all children under 7 years old.
TV-Y7 Children 7 Considered suitable for children over 7, may contain
and over Fantasy Violence Scenes.
Motion Picture Association Of America (MPAA) Rating System
G General Audiences Content not offensive to most viewers.
PG Parental Guidance Content is such that parents may not want their
Suggested children to view the program.
PG-13 Parental Guidance Program is inappropriate for preteens, with a greater
Suggested degree of offensive material than a PG rated program.
R Restricted viewing Not for children under age 17.
Strong elements of sex and/or violence.
NC-17 Restricted Viewing Not for children under age 17 under any circumstances
Strong sexual content.
X Hard Core Films Same as NC-17 rating.
Note: LG Electronics Corporation is not liable for any program content that appears
when using this rating system; as always, user discretion is advised.
You can set different Parental Control viewing
restrictions for general audiences and for chil-
dren - - both can be active at the same time.
Simply specifying one TV program content
block such as Sex Scenes, will not automati-
cally block another undesirable content in the
TV program from appearing.
Even if you choose to leave the Aux Source
unblocked, the ratings you specify will auto-
matically restrict the programming from the
Aux audio/video source.
You cannot disable Parental Control by discon-
necting the TV from power. Block hours will
automatically reset to blocking time remaining
if power is disconnected.