programme information electrolux 17
Programme information
Adjusting the level
of conductivity
Water contains, a variable quantity of limestone and mineral salts
of which quantities vary according to geographical locations thus
varying its conductivity values.
Relevant variations of the conductivity of the water compared to
those prefixed by the factory could slightly influence the residual
humidity of the laundry at the end of the cycle. Your dryer allows
you to regulate the sensitivity of the drying sensor based on
conductivity values of the water by using the following procedure.
TToo aacccceessss aaddjjuussttmmeenntt mmooddee::
1. Turn the programme selector dial to switch on the appliance.
2. In selection mode,press simultaneously the buttons
Buzzer and Delicate.
Press the buttons down until the pilot lights above each one
begin to flash and one of the pilot lights indicating the Drying
cooling and End/Anticrease.
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee lleevveell ooff ccoonndduuccttiivviittyy
Press the Start/Pause button sequentially: the level of
conductivity is indicated by the lighting of the horizontal
LED lit Conductivity Approximate value µS/cm
End/Anticrease Low < 300
Cooling Medium 300-600
Drying High >600
Normally, the appliance is factory-set to the highest level;
however, certain models may be configured differently.
MMeemmoorriizziinngg tthhee nneeww sseettttiinngg::
Simultaneously press the buttons Buzzer and Delicate
Press the buttons down until the previous drying cycle time
appears again on the display and the buzzer sounds.
O = Cancelling/OFF
To reset a programme and to switch off the machine turn
the selector dial to Off. Now a new programme can be
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