The Unity™U15P can be used in several
different configurations; a pair of U15Ps
used as a small P.A., multiple U15Ps used for
wider coverage and U15Ps with subwoofers,
which would be best in large venues. The
Unity™ U15P utilizes DSP technology with
selectable time delays to help time-align
the U15P with different subwoofer technolo-
gies. When used in a setup where only one
signal is provided to an enclosure, such as a
mono system or stereo with more than one
U15P, you should use one of the Link jacks to
daisy-chain the U15ps.
The Unity™ U15P has been intended to operate
primarily with line level signals and will not func-
tion with speaker level signals.
1. U15P Level Control
The Level control on the U15P adjusts the
amount of volume added to the sound sys-
tem. This control also adjusts for the relative
sensitivity of any companion enclosures and
the overall frequency response. The level
control should be set by while operating
and listening at a medium level. Once the
setting has been established, the level on
the U15P should not be changed.
It is not recommended to set this control at high
levels since the limiter may be engaged and there-
fore corrupting the output level unnecessarily!
A setting of 12 o’clock (0dB) on the U15P Level
control is the correct starting point when setting
up a sound system. From there, adjustments
can be made for the best sound. The 0 dB mark
refers to the setting that will give full power
when the line input is used and the input signal
is at a level of 0 dBVU. A clip LED is provided
next the level control to guide the user.
2. Program Select
The Program Select control enables the user
to vary the time delay of the Unity™ U15P.
The table on the back of the U15P is a map
as to which delay setting is to be used for
each model of Yorkville subwoofer.
Subwoofers manufactured by other companies
should have a published 100Hz group delay
value or the user will have to ascertain the cor-
rect setting through measurement (or by ear). A
properly aligned multi-cabinet P.A. should yield
a flat frequency response.
Setting 1 – Stand Alone
Full range frequency response (45 Hz – 20
kHz). Use when the U15P is the only speaker in
the P.A. The time delay should be set to 0 ms.
The Unity™ U15P is a premium quality 3-way, tri-amped, pow-
ered enclosure with an integrated DSP controller. An essential
component of a powerful sound reinforcement system, the
Unity™U15P has been designed to be easy-to-setup while
providing unrivaled clarity and imaging with the least amount
of complication during setup. Building on the popularity of the
original Unity™ U15, Yorkville’s next logical step was to design
a powered, active version. The result is a DSP-driven 900-watt
U15P with a 15 inch Low frequency driver and innovative
Unity™ mid / high frequency horn.
The nature of the Unity™ horn required a cre-
ative power amp solution to ensure optimum
performance and efficiency. An integrated DSP
drives the three-way internal crossover, time
alignment, component protection, limiting and
the overall cabinet EQ extremely accurately.
The DSP controlled time-delayed output, for ac-
curate subwoofer alignment, ensures the Unity™
U15P delivers maximum impact in systems where
complex external processing isn’t the preferred
set-up solution.
The U15P uses a combination of optimal ampli-
fier topographies to ensure reliability and superior
loudspeaker performance. A three-tier designed
amplifier module delivers 600-watts to the 15 inch
neodymium woofer. Two class A/B amplifier mod-
ules deliver 150-watts to the Unity™horn assembly,
which is comprised of a single 1.75 inch throat mid
driver and three 5 inch ceramic mid drivers.