Channel Faders
This adjusts the levels of both the post-EQ channel
signal headed directly for the LEFT and RIGHT MAIN
master bus (via the PAN/BAL pot), and the EFX send
signal headed for the master EFX bus. The channel fader
does not control the MONitor send level.
Clip LED
The channel CLIP LED watches all the active electronic
stages in the channel circuit. Whenever any stage’s
signal peak approaches clipping to within 6 dB, the
CLIP LED circuitry captures and displays this event. See
under GAIN control for more about this feature.
Monitor Master & Clip LED
This control regulates the overall level of the master
MONitor bus. The CLIP LED, like the others, fires at 6 dB
below the onset of actual clipping so that a small amount
of activity is quite acceptable. If the LED flashes frequent-
ly, reduce the MON MASTER setting, or possibly one or
more of the channel MON send settings. The output of
the MON MASTER bus goes to the MON OUT jack. It
also goes to the EQ/AMP ASSIGN button where it can
be directed to the EQ2 equalizer and then to the RIGHT-
channel of the built-in stereo power amplifier. Regardless
of the EQ/AMP ASSIGN button’s operation, the MONitor
signal remains available at the MON OUT jack so that it
can be used to drive an additional amp/speaker system.
Mon Out Jack
Located in the upper right area beside the PHONES
jack, MON OUT is the output of the monitor bus. It
is at line level (do not connect speakers to it directly)
and unbalanced. Connect your monitor power amp
or powered monitors here.
User tip: If another monitor system is in use, perhaps
full-range enclosures running off the main PA mix
as side-fills, you could connect a tape deck here
to record live performances. Plug a single 1/4-inch
male-to-dual 1/4-inch female Y adapter into the
MON OUT jack. Now simply run two of the appro-
priate patch cables (probably 1/4-inch male-to-RCA
male) into the tape deck’s L & R line level inputs.
You will now have the advantage of being able to
mix for recording, independent of the PA mix.
Left & Right Main Masters
EQ/Amp Assign Button
The MAIN master faders receive signals from the chan-
nel PAN/BAL controls and determine the output signal
levels at the L & R PRE-EQ LINE OUTPUT jacks.
User tip: Regardless of the ASSIGN button’s func-
tion, the PRE-EQ LINE OUTPUT jacks will always
carry the unequalized L & R stereo mix. This can be
useful if you are recording the live performance.
The MAIN faders also determine the signal levels
destined for the EQ/AMP ASSIGN button where they
are directed as follows: