PitBndStep (Pitch Bend Step)
Setting Values : 0 to 12
• Determines the way in which the pitch is changed by the pitch bend wheel.
• The 0 value sets a continuous change (the normal setting). Setting 1 to 12 changes the
sound according to the scale. For example, if 1 is set, the change is by semitones, if 2 is
set, it is by whole tones.
AC4 CC No. (AC4 Controller Assign)
Settings: OFF, MOD, BC, FC, EXP, CAT, PB
• When the AC4 controller parameter is set to EGbias, this parameter sets the controller
which operates EGbias.
• The settings indicate controllers as follows:
MOD ..... Modulation wheel
BC ......... Breath controller
FC ......... Foot controller
EXP....... Expression pedal
CAT....... Channel aftertouch
PB ......... Pitch bend wheel
• When the amplitude modulation sensitivity of the selected voice has been set to carrier,
operating the controller that has been set in this parameter will change the volume in
realtime. When the amplitude modulation sensitivity has been set to modulator, the
timbre will change.
AC4CtrPrm1 (AC4 Controller Parameter 1)
Settings: Off, EGbias
This specifies whether the EGbias will be controlled by the controller that has been set
in the AC4 Control Change Number parameter.
AC4CtrDpt1 (AC4 Controller Parameter Depth)
Setting: -64 to +63
Specifies the depth of operation when EGbias is controlled by the controller that has
been set in the AC4 Control Change Number parameter.
• When AC4CtrPrm1 has been set to EGbias, the sound may change when AC4CtrDept1 is set positive, even
if the output from the controller set in AC4CCNo.is zero.
Editing DX Part Parameters