NOTE: When the power is turned
back on, the multi set-up data for all
songs in the memory at power off will
still be retained, and therefore the song
name will still appear; however, the
song sequence data and Song voice
data will be gone.
NOTE: You can also copy from the
External preset voice bank if the
optional Expansion Wave/Voice
Board is installed.
The W5/W7 has large internal ROM and RAM memory capacity, but some RAM data
is retained at power off and some is not. Data which is retained at power off includes
Internal normal and drum voice banks, and multi
in the 16 song multi memories.
Data which is not retained at power off include song sequences and accompanying Song
voice bank memories.
Because of the on-board floppy disk drive, the voice and multi storing functions, and
the many ways in which you can save and load the various types of data, this need not be a
problem. A little discipline in the area of always remembering to save important music data
to floppy disk before turning the power off a good habit to foster in any case will
render this not a problem at all.
There are various modes and functions for managing the various types of data.
The Song Voice Memory function lets you manage Song voice memory banks by
copying an entire bank of normal and drum voices from the Internal, GM and
Preset voice banks to the Song voice memory bank of the currently selected song.
Each internal song multi (01 ~ 16) can accommodate a Song voice memory
bank that will hold 128 normal and 2 drum voices. These Song voices are exclu-
sive to each song multi, and can only be accessed by the currently selected multi.
(Song voices from other multis cannot be accessed from within the currently
selected multi).
One of the most useful ways to manage Song voices is to first arrange the voices
you want in the Internal voice bank, using the Voice Store function. Then copy
the Internal voice bank to the currently selected Song voice bank using the Utility
Mode s Song Voice Memory function.