08 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter7 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
09 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter8 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
0A 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter9 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
0B 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter10 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
0C 1 00..7F Insertion Part Part1..16,OFF 7F
10 1 00..7F Not Used
11 1 00..7F Not Used
03 0n 20 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter11 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
21 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter12 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
22 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter13 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
23 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter14 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
24 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter15 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
25 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter16 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 30 2 00..7F Ins. Param.1 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.1 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 32 2 00..7F Ins. Param.2 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.2 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 34 2 00..7F Ins. Param.3 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.3 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 36 2 00..7F Ins. Param.4 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.4 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 38 2 00..7F Ins. Param.5 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.5 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 3A 2 00..7F Ins. Param.6 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.6 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 3C 2 00..7F Ins. Param.7 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.7 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 3E 2 00..7F Ins. Param.8 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.8 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 40 2 00..7F Ins. Param.9 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.9 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
03 0n 42 2 00..7F Ins. Param.10 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7F Ins. Param.10 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List
For effect types that do not require MSB, the Parameters for Address 02-0B will be received. Address 30-42 will not be received.
For effect types that require MSB, the Parameters for Address 30-42 will be received. Address 02-0B will not be received.
When Bulk Dumps that include Effect Type data are transmitted, the Parameters for Address 02 - 0B will always be transmitted. But, effects that require MSB, when the bulk dump is
received the Parameters for Address 02 - 0B will not be received.
n=Insertion Effect No.(0-1)
< Table 1-7 > MIDI Parameter Change table (MULTI PART)
Address Size Data Prameter Name Description Default
(H) (H) (H) Value(H)
08 nn 00 1 00..20 Element Reserve 0..32 0(Part10),2(Others)
nn 01 1 00..7F Bank Select MSB 0..127 7F(Part10),00(Others)
nn 02 1 00..7F Bank Select LSB 0..127 00
nn 03 1 00..7F Program Number 1..128 00
nn 04 1 00..0F, Rcv Channel 0..16;1..16,127;off Part No.
nn 05 1 00..01 Mono/Poly Mode 0:mono,1:poly 01
nn 06 1 00..02 Same Note Number 0:single 00
Key On Assign 1:multi
2:inst (for DRUM)
nn 07 1 00..02 Part Mode 0:normal 00 (Except Part10)
1..3:drum thru,drum1..2 01 (Part10)
nn 08 1 28..58 Note Shift -24..+24[semitones] 40
nn 09 2 00..FF Detune -12.8..+12.7[Hz] 08 00
nn 0A 1st bit3..0 -> bit7..4 (80)
2nd bit3..0 -> bit3..0
nn 0B 1 00..7F Volume 0..127 64
nn 0C 1 00..7F Velocity Sense Depth 0..127 40
nn 0D 1 00..7F Velocity Sense Offset 0..127 40
nn 0E 1 00..7F Pan 0:random 40
nn 0F 1 00..7F Note Limit Low C-2..G8 00
nn 10 1 00..7F Note Limit High C-2..G8 7F
nn 11 1 00..7F Dry Level 0..127 7F
nn 12 1 00..7F Chorus Send 0..127 00
Address Size Data Prameter Name Description Default
(H) (H) (H) Value(H)
MIDI Data Format