
This is a “cross delay” effect in which the repeats from a sound in one channel are produced in the oppo-
site channel.
2. RmL DELAY Range: 0.1 355 ms
The LmR DELAY and RmL DELAY parameters independently set the delay times for repeats crossing from
left to right, and from right to left, respectively.
3. FEEDBACK LEVELRange: 63 0 +63
Determines the amount of effect-sound feedback returned to the input of the delay stage. Higher values pro-
duce a greater number of repeats.
4. INPUT SELECT Range: L, R, L&R
Selects the first channel to be delayed (L, R), or both channels simultaneously (L&R).
5. HIGH DAMP Range: 0.1 1
Produces a natural decay in the high-frequency components of subsequent repeats. The lower the value the
faster and more pronounced the drop-off in high-frequencies.
Both of these effects are based on a two-band equalizer with independent high and low frequency and
gain parameters.
1. EQ LOW FREQUENCY Range: 50Hz 2.0kHz
Sets the boost/cut frequency of the low equalizer.
2. EQ LOW GAIN Range: 12dB 0dB +12dB
Sets the amount of boost or cut applied to the low-band frequencies. A setting of 0 produces no boost or
cut. Minus values produce cut and plus values produce boost.
3. EQ HI FREQUENCY Range: 500Hz 16kHz
Sets the boost/cut frequency of the high equalizer band.
4. EQ HI GAIN Range: 12dB 0dB +12dB
Sets the amount of boost or cut applied to the high-band frequencies. A setting of 0 produces no boost or
cut. Minus values produce cut and plus values produce boost.
Two distortion effects that can drastically alter you sound.
1. DRIVE Range: 0 127
Sets the intensity of the distortion effect. Higher values produce more distortion.
Simulates a variety of amplifier types via which the distortion sound might be reproduced.
OFF Flat amp the sound of a direct feed to a recording or sound reinforcement console.
STACK The powerful, expansive sound of stackable speaker cabinets.
COMBO A single 12" speaker unit in a compact enclosure.
TUBE Simulates the warm, relatively soft distortion produced by vacuum tube amplifiers.
3. LPF CUTOFF RANGE: 1.0kHz 18kHz, Thru
The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter applied to the distortion sound. No filter is applied when set to
4. OUTPUT LEVEL Range: 0 127
Sets the output level of the distortion sound. Higher values produce higher level.
41. CrossDly
44. EQ DISCO 45. EQ TEL.
42. DistHARD 43. DistSOFT
Efectos de DSP y parámetros