MIDI Implementation Chart
*1 By default (factory settings) the PSR-292 ordinarily functions as a 16-channel
multi-timbral tone generator, and incoming data does not affect the panel
voices or panel settings. However, the MIDI messages listed below do affect
the panel voices, auto accompaniment, and songs.
• MIDI Master Tuning
• System exclusive messages for changing the Reverb Type, Chorus Type,
and DSP Type.
*2 Messages for these control change numbers cannot be transmitted from the
PSR-292 itself. However, they may be transmitted when playing the accompa-
niment, song or using the Harmony effect.
*3 Exclusive
<GM System ON> F0H, 7EH, 7FH, 09H, 01H, F7H
• This message automatically restores all default settings for the instrument,
with the exception of MIDI Master Tuning.
<MIDI Master Volume> F0H, 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 01H, ll, mm, F7H
• This message allows the volume of all channels to be changed simulta-
neously (Universal System Exclusive).
• The values of “mm” is used for MIDI Master Tuning. (Values for “ll” are
<MIDI Master Tuning> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 27H, 30H, 00H, 00H, mm, ll, cc, F7H
• This message simultaneously changes the tuning value of all channels.
• The values of “mm” and “ll” are used for MIDI Master Tuning.
• The default value of “mm” and “ll” are 08H and 00H, respectively. Any val-
ues can be used for “n” and “cc.”
<Reverb Type> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, 02H, 01H, 00H, mmH, llH, F7H
• mm : Reverb Type MSB
• ll : Reverb Type LSB
Refer to the Effect Map (page 92) for details.
<Chorus Type> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, 02H, 01H, 20H, mmH, llH, F7H
• mm : Chorus Type MSB
• ll : Chorus Type LSB
Refer to the Effect Map (page 92) for details.
<DSP Type> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, 02H, 01H, 40H, mmH, llH, F7H
• mm : DSP Type MSB
• ll : DSP Type LSB
Refer to the Effect Map (page 92) for details.
<DRY Level> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, 08H, 0mH, 11H, llH, F7H
• ll : Dry Level
• 0m : Channel Number
<XG Parametter Change> F0H, 43H, 1nH, 4CH, hh, mm, ll, dd, F7H
• hh mm ll : address
• dd : data
<XG Bulk Dump> F0H, 43H, 0nH, 4CH, aa, bb, hh, mm, ll, dd, cc, F7H
• 0n : Device Number n=0 (send), 0 - f (receive)
• aa bb : Byte Count (aa << 7) + bb
• hh mm ll : address
• dd : data
<Sequence Recording Bulk Dump>
F0H, 43H, 73H, 7FH, mID, 06H, 0AH, aa, bb, cc, dd, hh, mm, ll, bulk data, sum, F7H
• mID : model ID PSR-292=2BH
• 06H : Bulk ID
• 0AH : Bulk No.
• aa : Byte Count MSB
• bb : Byte Count LSB
• cc : amount of valid MSB data
• dd : amount of valid LSB data
• hh mm ll : address
• bulk data : Sequence data (1byte, 2byte...7byte, MSB data)
• sum : Check Sum = 0-sum (bulk data)
<One Touch Setting Bulk Dump>
F0H, 43H, 73H, 7FH, mID, 06H, 09H, aa, bb, cc, dd, hh, mm, ll, bulk data, sum, F7H
• mID : model ID PSR-292=2BH
• 06H : Bulk ID
• 09H : Bulk No.
• aa : Byte Count MSB
• bb : Byte Count LSB
• cc : amount of valid MSB data
• dd : amount of valid LSB data
• hh mm ll : address
• bulk data : Sequence data (low 4bit, high 4 bit...low 4bit, high 4 bit)
• sum : Check Sum = 0-sum (bulk data)
*4 When the accompaniment is started, an FAH message is transmitted. When
accompaniment is stopped, an FCH message is transmitted.When the clock is
set to External, both FAH (accompaniment start) and FCH (accompaniment
stop) are recognized.
*5 Local ON/OFF
<Local ON> Bn, 7A, 7F
<Local OFF> Bn, 7A, 00
Value for “n” is ignored.