Portable Instrument Amplifier
Figure 74 details possible connections for a portable
setup for an electric bass. Ideal for this application, the
P-2200 can easily reproduce the high power bass notes
that may be clipped off by lower power instrument
a bass
because clipping is dangerous to speaker systems, the
P-2200's high power output may be easier on a speaker
system than a low power amplifier. In addition, the
P-2200 is sensitive enough (and its input is high
impedance) that it can be driven by the output of many
hi-fi or semi-pro type preamps. Its peak reading meters
help the musician avoid overdriving a speaker system,
and the calibrated attenuators allow the instrument
amplifier system to be turned down during a "break"
without modifying any of the preamp settings.
All of these advantages hold true when the P-2200 is
used as a keyboard amplifier, with the additional
advantage of true stereo operation.
Fig. 74 - Instrument Amplifier