
May 21, 1997
Mixer default:
02h:AUX1L = 88h (mute)
03h:AUX1R = 88h (mute)
04h:AUX2L = 05h (+4.5dB)
05h:AUX2R = 05h (+4.5dB)
06h:DACL = 80h (mute)
07h:DACR = 80h (mute)
12h:LineL = 88h (mute)
13h:LineR = 88h (mute)
1Ah:MonoIn = C0h (mute)
9-1-4. MPU401
The followings are the I/Os for MPU401 compatibility.
MPU base (R/W) MIDI Data port
MPU base +1 (R) Status Register port
MPU base + 1 (W) Command Register port
9-1-5. OPL3-SA3 control register
This register is used to control the additional functions (ex. power management, wide stereo).
CTRL base (R/W) Index port
CTRL base +1 (R/W) Data port
Power Management (R/W):
Index D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
01h “0” “0” ADOWN “0” “0” PSV PDN PDX
ADOWN (Analog Down)... Analog power supplies can be removed from OPL3-SA3, if
Set this bit to “0”, before analog power is supplied again.
PSV (power save)... Setting this bit to “1” makes OPL3-SA3 in power save mode
that is categorized into two types.
Power save mode 1
where PSV=PDX=”1”, clock oscillation is disabled and power
dissipation of digital portion becomes about 100uA(typ.), and that of
analog portion becomes about 5mA(typ.).
Power save mode 2
where PSV=”1” and PDX=0, clock oscillation is active. However
power dissipation of digital portion becomes about 10mA(typ.), and
that of analog portion becomes about 5mA(typ.).
PDN (Power down)... Setting this bit to “1” makes in power down mode.
PDX (Oscillation stop)... Setting this bit to “1” makes the clock oscillation halt.
default : 00h