Using the n8/n12 with Cubase 5 series
Owner’s Manual
Recording n8/n12 input channel
signals directly to Cubase
Each input channel signal can be output and recorded to
a Cubase audio track individually. This section will help
you understand how to record a signal from input channel
1 directly to a Cubase audio track while using the Monitor
Remote function to monitor the VST effect signals.
■ Preparing for recording
Press the INPUT SELECT [A.IN] switch to turn it
on (analog input).
Connect a musical instrument or a microphone to
the mixer’s input channel 1, then adjust the gain.
For details, see “A Hands-On Guide to the n8/n12”
on page 24 to 25.
Select an audio track on which you wish to
record the signal, then select “n12(n8)-Dir1” for
input routing by clicking it.
The input source and output destination of the track
will be displayed in the Inspector located to the left
of the track list.
If you select “n12(n8)-Dir1,” the channel 1 signal will
be input to the specified audio track.
You can select the input source from the following
■ n12
* Options in parentheses can be selected only for
monaural tracks.
■ n8
* Options in parentheses can be selected only for
monaural tracks.
Press the [REC READY] switch in the DAW
Remote Control section; the Record Enable
button in Cubase will be turned on for the audio
track on which you are recording.
The REC bus signals will be sent to the specified
audio track. If you want to record the signals without
a VST effect being applied, proceed to Step 9.
The pre-fader signal will be sent to the audio track.
When using this method of recording (n8/n12 input
channel signals directly to Cubase), the channel
fader and other channel controls will be disabled.
If you select the “Yamaha n12 (n8) multi channel
recording” project template, the direct output from
the input channel will be automatically selected as
the input source for each Cubase audio track.
audio track
input source of audio track
(Input Routing)
• To select a track in Cubase, you can use the
[PREV ▲] and [NEXT ▼] switches in the DAW
Remote Control section on the n8/n12.
• If the track’s input/output routing is not displayed,
click the [Show Inspector] button.
Input routing Input source
n12-REC(Left/Right) REC bus
n12-ST(Left/Right) STEREO bus
Monaural input
channel direct output
n12-Dir9/10, n12-Dir11/12
Stereo input channel
direct output
Input routing Input source
n8-REC(Left/Right) REC bus
n8-ST(Left/Right) STEREO bus
Monaural input
channel direct output
n8-Dir5/6, n8-Dir7/8
Stereo input channel
direct output