Front and Rear Panels
Owner’s Manual
5 [PHASE] switch
Turning this switch on ( ) inverts the phase of the
signal from the input jacks.
For more information on the [PHASE] switch, refer to
“Tip for compensating for the phase offset” on
page 15.
6 [Hi-Z] switch
If you are connecting an electric guitar or electric
bass that has passive-type pickups and no built-in
preamp directly to the INPUT B jack of input channel
8 (on the n12) or input channel 4 (on the n8), turn
this switch on ( ).
7 [INPUT SELECT] switch
This switch determines whether the input jack signal
(A.IN) or the DAW signal (the output from Cubase or
another DAW) will be routed to the input channels.
8 Compressor controls
These compressor controls enable you to operate the
compressor for each monaural input channel
(channels 1-4 on the n8, and channels 1-8 on the n12).
The following two controls are available for each
compressor: [MORPH] control and [DRIVE] control.
[MORPH] control
This control specifies the compressor setting. Knob
positions A-E correspond to different presets. You
can easily change the compressor setting by rotating
the control. Knob positions between alphabetical
settings will use an intermediate value taken from
between two corresponding preset values.
[DRIVE] control
This control specifies the amount of compression. As
you rotate the control clockwise, more compression
is applied. The output level changes automatically
as the amount of compression changes.
This LED lights up when the compressor is triggered.
9 Equalizer (EQ)
This three-band equalizer adjusts the input channel’s
high, mid, and low frequency bands. You can also
adjust the center frequency for the mid band.
[HIGH] gain control
This control adjusts the high band gain.
[MID] frequency control
This control adjusts the mid band center frequency.
[MID] gain control
This control adjusts the mid band gain.
[LOW] gain control
This control adjusts the low band gain.
Setting each gain control knob to the “▼” position
produces a flat frequency response (no boost).
Turning the knob clockwise boosts the
corresponding frequency band, while turning
counter-clockwise attenuates the band.
To raise the mid band center frequency, turn the
[MID] frequency control clockwise. To lower the
center frequency, turn the [MID] frequency control
counter-clockwise. At the center position, the center
frequency is 1.0 kHz.
The following table shows the EQ type, center frequency,
and maximum cut/boost for each of the three bands.
) [REVERB] control
This control adjusts the level of the input channel
signal sent to the internal digital reverb (i.e.,
determines how much reverb will be applied).
When you set the knob to the “▼” position, the input
channel signal at the nominal level (0 dB) will be
sent to the internal digital reverb.
! [AUX] control
This control adjusts the level of the input channel
signal sent to the AUX bus. Use this control when
you are sending a mix monitoring signal to the
musicians, or sending the signal to an external
device, such as an effects processor.
@ [PAN] and [BAL] controls
[PAN] control
This control determines the stereo position of the
monaural input channel. Rotate the knob clockwise to
pan the signal right, and counter-clockwise to pan left.
[BAL] control
This control determines the volume balance between
the left and right stereo channels. Odd channel
signals are fed to the L bus, and even channel
signals are fed to the R bus. For example, rotate the
[BAL] control all the way to right to output only the
even (right) channel signals.
• Be sure to leave this switch off ( ) if you do not need
phantom power.
• When turning the switch on ( ), make sure that only
condenser microphones are connected to the INPUT A jacks.
Devices other than condenser microphones may be
damaged if they are connected to the phantom power supply.
Note, however, that the switch may be left on when you
connect balanced dynamic microphones.
• To avoid damage to your hearing or speakers, be sure to roll
off the volume level of the amplifier (or powered speakers)
before turning this switch on or off. Yamaha also
recommends that you turn all output controls, such as the
STEREO fader and [C-R PHONES LEVEL] control to
minimum settings before operating the switch.
Use an unbalanced cable when you connect an electric
guitar or bass and turn the [Hi-Z] switch on. If you use a
balanced cable, the mixer will not work correctly.
For more information on how to use the compressor,
please refer to page 28.
Band Type Center Frequency
HIGH shelving 10 kHz ±18 dB
MID peaking 100 Hz – 10 kHz ±18 dB
LOW shelving 90 Hz ±18 dB
When the Channel Control [WET] switch is on,
signals via a DAW will be directly routed to the AUX
bus (Monitor Remote function). Therefore, the [AUX]
control will be temporarily disabled while the [WET]
switch is turned on.