The Pedals
The CVP-79A/69/69A has three pedals and the CVP-59S has two
pedals which offer a range of advanced expressive capabilities.
Right Pedal (Damper Pedal)
The damper pedal functions in the same way as a damper pedal on an
acoustic piano. When the damper pedal is pressed notes played have a
long sustain. Releasing the pedal immediately stops (damps) any sus-
tained notes.
• The CVP-79A damper pedal can be
set for continuous (default) or on/off
type damping control via the
“DAMPER MODE” function (page 94).
Damper Pedal
Damper Pedal Damper Pedal
Center Pedal (Sostenuto Pedal — CVP-79A/69/69A only)
If you play a note or chord on the keyboard and press the sostenuto
pedal while the note(s) are held, those notes will be sustained as long as
the pedal is held (as if the damper pedal had been pressed) but all subse-
quently played notes will not be sustained. This makes it possible to sus-
tain a chord, for example, while other notes are played “staccato.”
Sostenuto Pedal
Sostenuto Pedal