It is a convention on the A3000 to ‘point’ or direct the software at a particular target SCSI
or floppy disk device via the [DISK]:[DISK]:[DISK] page. If you want to save to the floppy
drive you would first ensure that this page is directed at that device. The A3000 recalls
the last device with which it has communicated.
Creating a New Sample
Let’s go through a quick sample session. Let’s assume you are recording a portion of
audio from an audio CD as the source. If it is a CD-ROM player you can utilize the
A3000’s external control (EXT CTRL) features to cue the CD and start and stop it,
remotely. If not, no big thing, you just have to operate the CD via its own front panel
1. Make your audio connection from the CD out to the A/D inputs on the A3000 front
2. [RECORD]:[MONITOR]:[MONITOR]: OUTPUT should be Stereo, and MONITOR should be
switched to ON to hear the sample.
3. [RECORD]:[SETUP]:[REC DATA]. Select AD L/R as the INPUT, STEREO as the TYPE, and
44.1k as the FREQ. You can select 22k, 22k lo-fi, 11k, 11k lo-fi, 5k, or 5k lo-fi.
4. [RECORD]:[SETUP]:[TARGET]. Sample should be NEW and TO PGM should be ON. The
default name of the recording will be “_NewSample” (If you are doing more than
one sample, the A3000 has a unique auto mapping utilities that can be set under the
“New” and “To Pgm” headings - change New to “New+” and set the To Pgm
heading to C1Æ; C2Æ etc.).
5. Also found under this heading is [RECORD]:[SETUP]:[KEY RANGE]. This where and how
the sample is mapped. The default is Original key is C3 and it is mapped from C-2
through G8; TRIGGER - whether record is initiated and ended automatically via SRC
(Source) IN and SRC OUT or manually; and PROCESS - auto-normalize which will
ensure best record level – it is recommended that you leave this “off” when
demonstrating, as it does take processing time).
6. Check the record level. [RECORD]:[METER]:[METER]. Use the REC LEVEL control to set
the level. An inverse video “C” indicates clipping.
7. If you wish to record with Effects the next key in Record mode allows you to record
through the 3 effects in series. [RECORD]:[EFFECT].
8. If you are using a CD-ROM player the next key [RECORD mode: EXT CTRL function:
CD-DA controls the audio playback of the CD player. The CD will be started and
stopped automatically when you enter and exit record.
9. You are ready to record [RECORD]:[RECORD]:[Record] press GO (Knob 5).
Your next screen will depend on whether you have selected Manual Only as the ‘trigger’
mode or SRC IN (source in) as the record trigger. Once you have completed your
recording you can immediately check it by returning to PLAY mode. The new sample
can be triggered via the front panel AUDITION key or via the MIDI note assigned as
original key in KEY RANGE (C3 is default). The new sample will have its TO PGM parameter
ON and will be found at the TOP of the list when you view the Sample Select page: