Internal Effects 107
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
Program 28 — ECHO
This is a common echo effect.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Dly(L) 220.0ms 0.1~500.0ms Left channel delay time.
FB.G(L) +44% –99 ~ +99% Left channel feedback gain.
Dly(R) 180.0ms 0.1~500.0ms Right channel delay time.
FB.G(R) –55% –99 ~ +99% Right channel feedback gain.
Hi.Ratio 0.2 0.1~1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
LPF THRU 1.0kHz~THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF THRU THRU~8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Ini.Dly 0.1ms 0.1~320.0ms Initial delay between the direct sound and early reflections.
L->R Bal 0% 0~100% Feeds left channel signal back to the right channel.
R->L Bal 0% 0~100% Feeds right channel signal back to the left channel.
Program 29 — CROSS ECHO
The echo feedback signal crosses from left to right and from right to left.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Dly(L) 200.0ms
Same as program 28 Same as program 28
FB.G(L) +40%
Dly(R) 350.0ms
FB.G(R) +40%
Hi.Ratio 0.4
Ini.Dly 0.1ms
L->R Bal 34%
R->L Bal 34%
Program 30 — CROSS DELAY
The echo feedback signal crosses completely.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Dly(L) 220.0ms
Same as program 28 Same as program 28
FB.G(L) +44%
Dly(R) 180.0ms
FB.G(R) –55%
Hi.Ratio 0.2
Ini.Dly 0.1ms
L->R Bal 100%
R->L Bal 100%