This installation process requires that idaPSS has already been installed on the sys-
tem according to the idaPSS installation manual.
2. Install the product tape files using the LOADXES JCL
3. Install the supplied codepages and fonts
4. Modify the PSS Exit 1 assembler source and CHANEXIT code (optional)
5. Perform XES transform modifications (XESTRANS)
6. Relink idaPSS program module (LNKPSSX)
7. Implement idaPSS Proclib updates
8. Implement idaPSS Profile updates
9. Implement JCL modifications for XES selection (PRTXES)
Batch Installation Checklist
This checklist describes the sequence of activities required to perform batch installation.
Items are listed in the sequence that they are required. The entire list should be reviewed
prior to starting the installation procedure:
1. Download the load JCL from the installation tape
2. Modify the load JCL for installation defaults
3. Install the supplied codepages and fonts
4. Perform customization of the XESTRANS source if required
5. Modify the "LNKXESR" JCL to installation defaults
6. Execute the "LNKXESR" JCL to create the program Load Module
7. Perform the installation verification procedure
16 ida XFC Installation Guide