10-14 Glossary
Token passing
Network access method that requires nodes to wait
for their turn before transmitting data. Turns are
indicated by a character sequence that passes from
one node to the next.
Token Ring
A 4 megabit per second or 16 megabit per second
network using a ring topology and a token passing
access method.
An AUI (Attachment Unit Interface) device for
receiving and transmitting data that often provides
collision detection as well.
twisted-pair cable
A wiring scheme with one or more pairs of 18 to 24
gauge copper strands which are twisted to improve
protection against electromagnetic and radio
frequency interference. Cable may be either
shielded or unshielded. See 10Base-T.
type 1 cable
Shielded two-pair cable.
type 3 cable
Unshielded twisted-pair cable.
type 5 cable
Shielded twisted-pair cable.
uni-directional printing
A method of printing whereby signals are sent in
one direction only from the workstation to the
An acronym for Wide Area Network. A network
capable of transmissions over large geographic
areas, using transmission lines provided by a
A networked computer typically reserved for end-
user applications.
An acronym for World Wide Web.
One or more connected AppleTalk networks
grouped according to network usage.