Xerox Nuvera
100/120/144 EA Digital Production System - Customer Expectations Document
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something similar. If such a capability is available, the Xerox Nuvera
's performance can be significantly
improved by taking advantage of that. (Note that the TIFF interpreter does not automatically determine the
embedded image size and apply it to an appropriate paper size. You can accomplish though by using
printer and queue defaults programming)
LCDS Print Description Language
The Xerox LCDS Print Description Language (PDL) is a set of commands that you give to the
printing system to define properties such as the appearance, output destination, and paper feed
source for your LCDS print job. You can use LCDS PDL to do all of the following in your print jobs:
• Change and mix font types on a page-to-page, line to line, or character-to-character basis. This
allows you to customize printed output for specific needs; for example, emphasizing important
headings by changing font styles and sizes.
• Change text orientation and positioning on a page-to-page basis. This allows you to print
characters along the width or length of the page with equal ease. The printing system can
switch instantly, at a page boundary, between portrait (tall and narrow) and landscape (wide)
page formats, combining the two styles within a single report.
• Print a number of previously separate logical pages on the same physical page of a document.
• Modify documents on a page to page basis by using copy modification entries (CME's) to
replace selected portions of text with other data, change fonts, or label copies, e.g. as
• Merge variable print data with forms stored on the system disk. This feature eliminates the
need for forms overlays and most preprinted forms, as well as assuring perfect registration.
• Print two different forms back to back (duplex) on one sheet of paper, thereby reducing paper
costs. Additionally, this option offers potential savings in inventory, filing, storage, and mailing
costs for computer generated material.
• Feed paper either short edge first or long edge first to accommodate a variety of paper sizes.
The following are known key limitations specific to LCDS on Nuvera
DPS systems. A more
complete set is provided in the Nuvera
Hints and Tips document.
• Print on Edge (versus print to edge) is not supported.
• There is no floppy drive on Nuvera
; resource loading via LTO Tape or QIC tape is
recommended. Alternatively, resources can be sent over the network by ftp to the controller (or
a UNIX file system) and imported from the file system to DocuSP®. Importing from a NFS
mounted directory can also be performed if the resources are already relocated to that directory.
• The TMODE command is ignored as the system always performs at optimum throughput.
Please refer to the following documentation for additional information
• Using LCDS Page Description Language – Generic 701P42242
• LPS Migration Guide. Request copy of Migration Guides from your Xerox Systems Analyst.