LED Status Indicator
975-0004-01-02 Rev D 59
Error Mode Indication (Orange)
The C-Series Multifunction DC Controller error modes
include the following.
• Over-temperature Condition - fast flash
• Over-current Condition - fast flash
• Low-Voltage Disconnect Condition (Load Control
Mode) - slow flash
Over-temperature Condition
The temperature of the controller’s transistors is continuously
monitored. This protects the charge controller from damage
in high temperature environments. If excessive temperatures
are detected while operating in Charge or Diversion Control
mode, the controller’s transistors are rapidly turned off and
on to reduce the charge rate. This will reduce the transistor
In Load Control mode, the load is disconnected before the
transistors reach an excessive temperature. Once the
temperature has dropped, the loads are reconnected.
Over-Current Condition
During operation, the C-Series controller continuously
monitors the current flowing through it. If the current exceeds
85 amps, the transistor switches are opened, stopping the
flow of electricity. The detection circuitry is faster than
breakers or fuses, and they will not trip or blow when a fault
The C-Series controller automatically resets the over-current
protection system every 6 minutes. If an overload or short
circuit is still present, the controller will shut off and wait
another 6 minutes. This will occur continuously until the
problem is corrected.