Installing the Wilson Universal Connector
The universal connector must be placed
directly on the cell phone or cellular data
card to work properly. Attach the universal
connector to the cell phone or cellular data
card with the VELCRO
included in the
The universal connector and extension
cable included in the package are long
enough to reach the amplifi er location. This
allows for ease and convenience of use.
To adjust the universal connector for the
best signal, go to a weak signal location
where your cell phone registers only 1-2 bars
without the universal connector connected.
(Be sure the amplifi er is turned off when
checking for low signal.) Then, attach the
universal connector to the phone, power up
the amplifi er and you should see a signal
improvement of 2 or more bars.
NOTE: Many phones take up to 20 seconds
to reset the bar indicator.
To maximize performance, attach the
universal connector as close as possible
to the original antenna on your cell phone or
cellular data card.
For cell phones with an internal antenna,
place the universal connector on the back,
upper left-hand corner of the phone. (Figure 1)
NOTE: Certain phones, such as the Motorola
RAZR, have internal antennas at the base,
rather than the top, in which case the universal
connector should be attached at the bottom
rear of the phone.
For cell phones with an external antenna,
place the universal connector directly below
the phone’s original antenna. (Figure 2)
If you have any questions as to the location
of the antenna on your phone, call Wilson
Technical Support at 866-294-1660 or visit
Amplifi er Universal
Figure 1
Figure 2
To Amplifi er
Cellular data card