SuperStat Pro User Guide 7
Selecting Heating or Cooling
Use the SYSTEM button to select your thermostat system mode. The possible system modes are:
• Heating – Displays on the thermostat as HEAT.
• Cooling – Displays on the thermostat as COOL.
• Auto-changeover (see below) – Both HEAT and COOL icons are on.
• Emergency heat – Displays EMER (flashing) and HEAT.
• Off – Displays on the thermostat as OFF.
When heating or cooling is On, STG 1 or STG 1+2 will display (depending on how many speeds your heating/cooling
system is capable of using).
Auto-Changeover Mode
When the thermostat is in auto-changeover mode, it automatically switches between your heating and cooling
programmed schedules to maintain your home temperature within your heating and cooling programs. The thermostat will
call for heating or cooling as needed, but never both at the same time. Auto-changeover is convenient during the fall and
spring when days may be cool in the early morning hours and hot in the afternoons.
• In auto-changeover mode, the programmed heat setpoint must be 2 degrees lower than the cool setpoint.
• Keep the windows in your home closed when auto-changeover mode is in effect, to avoid wasting heating or cooling