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Press the PRGM and RUN buttons simultaneously.
You will be prompted to answer 8 “Options”
questions, shown below.
As each option is presented:
✔ Use the
buttons to answer each question.
✔ Use HOLD button to advance to the next question
and the TIME button to return
to the previous question.
When you have answered all 8 questions, press the RUN button.
Options Default Setting Additional Information
1. Set the temporary 0:00 Select desired time, in
Hold Time (HOLD) 15-minute increments, for
the duration of a temporary
override of the current
temperature. If you are not
sure what to chose,
2 hour
setting is usually a good
starting point.
2. Do you want the FA Select SL (slow) if you have
Cycle Rate to be (fast) Hydronic (water or steam)
Fast or Slow? heating. Otherwise, select
default FA.
3. Do you want the ON Use default ON to
display light on enable backlight
(d-L) for a short
time after any key
is pressed?
Options Default Setting Additional Information
4. Do you want ON Select default ON.
the Energy (enabled) Ensures the desired
Management temperature is reached by
Recovery (E) the designated program
function to be schedule time
5. Do you want 000 Select default 000 for now.
to be reminded (no reminder) To set a fi lter-change
when it is time to reminder, see section 4.4
change the
air fi lter? (FLTR)
6. Compressor OFF Select ON to provide
Lockout (LOC) protection to your Heating
and Cooling System’s
7. How much 0HI (no offset) Select default 0HI for now.
displayed To adjust the actual
temperature offset temperature reading, see
do you want? section 4.6
8. Do you want °F
temperature (Fahrenheit)
displayed in °C
(Celsius) or °F
3.3 Select options