Power Up
Turn on AC power to the system. The thermostat will automatically identify the
communicating components installed.
Messages at Thermostat
During power up, the thermostat will
scroll the word “SEARCHING” in
the message area, indicating that the
system is looking for components
(Air Handler, Furnace, Heat Pump,
Air Conditioner) on the Climate Talk
network. Once the components are
identifi ed the message display will
indicate the components found.
Confi rmation will be given in the
message area that the equipment
has been found with the message
(equipment) FOUND.
Communications Systems
The thermostat will recognize the
system devices that are connected and
the capacities to set the system up to
the operating settings. The system has
additional fl exibility which allows for the
customization of certain parameters.
Initial Power-Up Advanced Installer Confi guration Menu
Heat Setup
Parameter Options Comments
HP Profi le A, B, C, D, Selectable Airfl ow Profi les (See Heat Pump
Installer Guide)
Heat Air Adj % -10, 0, 10 Selectable Heat Pump Airfl ow Adjustments
Dfrost Cmpr Dly 0, 5, Selectable Compressor Delay during
Reset All Dfl ts No, Yes Resets the Heat Pump to the Factory
Default Confi guration by selecting Yes
HP Staging
(Multi-Stage Units
On, Off For Multi-Stage Heat Pumps Factory
Default is On. This allows Low/High stages
of capacities. To only allow High capacity in
Heat Pump Mode select Off
Heat Pump User Menus (Cont.)
Cool Setup
Parameter Options Comments
AC Profi le A, B, C, D Selectable Airfl ow Profi les (see Heat Pump
Installer Guide)
Cool Air Adj % -10, 0, 10 Selectable Cooling Airfl ow Adjustments
On Demand
On, Off Select Blower Operation on based on
Reset All Dfl ts No, Yes Resets the Heat Pump to the Factory
Default Confi guration by selecting Yes
Note: If the thermostat display continuously shows “SEARCHING”, check the
wiring to the thermostat.