the room temperature (65°F) and the
setpoint (70°F) is 5°. 5° X 8 minutes
per °F = 40 minutes. The setpoint on
the display will actually change to
display 70° about 40 minutes early.
The maximum time the thermostat can
start early in heating is 75 minutes (or
3 hours, 45 minutes if EMR ON L is
selected). The maximum time in
cooling and heat pump applications is
3 hours and 45 minutes. Cooling or
heat pump applications start earlier
because it takes longer to reach the
desired temperature. This feature also
minimizes the use of the auxiliary
stages if conditions are such that the
compressor stages are adequate to
reach the desired setpoint.
To select or deselect this feature, refer
to the CONFIGURATION section
(page 5, item 2).
Adjustable Temperature Display.
(User menu, Item 1) The room
temperature display can be adjusted to
read higher or lower by following the
User menu and adjusting the tempera-
ture to a higher or lower value. The
thermostat is calibrated at the factory
to display a very accurate room
temperature, but due to various
conditions and/or personal preference,
you may wish to adjust the thermostat
display higher or lower (up to 5°F).
For example, if the thermostat displays
a room temperature of 70° but you
want it to display 73
°, you can adjust
it. To adjust, refer to the CONFIGU-
RATION section (page 5, item 1).
Selectable Energy Management
Recovery (EMR).
(User menu, Item 2) EMR causes the
thermostat to start operating the system
early in order to make the building
temperature reach your program
setpoint at the time you specify. In
multistage heating, the thermostat will
start 8 minutes early for every 1°F
difference between the room tempera-
ture and the next programmed
temperature. In cooling and heat pump
applications, the thermostat uses 15
minutes per °F. For heating applica-
tions in large buildings where extra
time to reach the set temperature may
be desired, EMR Long may be
selected. When EMR ON L is selected
in the user menu (page 5, item 2) the
thermostat uses 15 minutes per °F.
EXAMPLE: If the temperature in the
room is 65°F and the thermostat is
programmed for 70°F at 7 AM, the
thermostat will start approximately 40
minutes early. The difference between