• Select humidifier pad maintenance
reminder. Scrolling message will
NANCE”. Default is OFF. It can be
changed to a setting from 25 to 1975
hours in increments of 25 hours to
select the amount of time for the
reminder. Setting of 100 hours is typi-
cally 6 months of run time.
Based on this setting, the scrolling
message area will show “CHANGE
HUMIDIFIER PAD” to indicate main-
tenance is required.
• Select beeper (audio prompt)
Default is On for the beeper to sound
with any touch key press. It can be
changed to OFF.
• Select continuous display light.
Scrolling message will show “DIS-
PLAY LIGHT”. When selected ON, the
display light will be on continuously
with power to the system. Selecting
OFF will allow the display light to
turn on momentarily when any key is
touched. If system power is off, and
thermostat is operating on battery
only, the display light will not turn on.
8 13
Touch the SYSTEM key to select:
Cool: Cooling is on.
Off: Heating and Cooling are off.
Heat: Heating is on.
Em: Emergency heat setting available only
with heat pump systems (see page 9).
Auto: Auto Changeover is used where
both heating and cooling may be
required during the same day. Auto
allows the thermostat to automatically
select heating or cooling depending on
the indoor temperature and the selected
heat and cool temperatures. The desired
temperature must be equal to or higher
than the desired temperature for cooling
when using auto changeover.
Energy Saving Factory Pre-Program
This touchscreen thermostat is programmed with the energy saving settings shown in
the table below for all days of the week. If this program suits your needs, simply touch
the Run Schedule key.
Wake Up
Leave For Work
Return Home
Go To Bed
Heating Program 6:00 AM 70°F 8:00 AM 62°F 5:00 PM 70°F 10:00 PM 62°F
Cooling Program 6:00 AM 75°F 8:00 AM 83°F 5:00 PM 75°F 10:00 PM 78°F
Factory Pre-Programmed heating and cooling schedule for all days of the week
If you wish to set your heating and cooling schedule to something other than the factory
pre-programmed settings, please proceed to the “Programming Your Thermostat”
Choose the System Mode (Cool, Off, Heat, Em, Auto)